These resources support humanities scholars in the process of locating and preparing fellowship and grant proposals at UF.
Locating Funding Opportunities
Search: There are several indexes of funding opportunities:
- UF subscribes to a variety of searchable funding databases that can be accessed via the UF Office of Research website and the George A. Smathers Libraries Funding Opportunities website
- The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere maintains lists of internal and external humanities grants and fellowships available to faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students on its Humanities Funding site.
Alert: Sign up to receive notices of funding opportunities:
- Weekly funding opportunity announcements from the Office of Research. [Login with your Gatorlink credentials using the top-right “Login” button, click on “Subscription,” and fill in your information.]
- Regular emails about new programs and initiatives from private foundations from Candid
- Customized alerts from the Pivot database through a UF subscription
- Customized alerts from the Grant Forward grants database.
- H-Net listservs in one’s research area(s).
- And signing up for your favorite funding body email alerts
Assist: Various entities at UF will conduct funding searches upon request, including:
- The Office of Research via an online request.
- The Center for the Humanities and Public Sphere, by appointment.
Locating Collaborators
- View our list of Multidisciplinary Working Groups and Programs at UF on the Public Humanities page.
- You can create searchable records in the UF Research Expertise Database and UF VIVO Community, and use these databases to search for possible collaborators.
- For grants with a UF Libraries’ or digital component, schedule an Academic Research Consult. Such components may include digitization, user-interface design, GIS, dissemination, preservation (both physical and digital), learning object design, or web production (e.g., web-based tutorials).
- For grants that include a program assessment or evaluation component, you can consult with staff at BEBR (Bureau of Economic and Business Research) and CAPES (Collaborative Assessment and Program Evaluation Services).
- The UF Office of Research maintains a listing of Broader Impacts Resources across the university, which can provide support for everything from building museum exhibits, to working with minority or K-12 populations, to locating off-campus constituencies.
- Staff at the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere can help faculty members to network with colleagues and resources at UF.